Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Personality Traits test

“The dictionary defines personality as the (1) Habitual patterns and qualities of behaviour of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities of a person, considered collectively, (2) The complex of qualities and characteristics seen as being distinctive to a group, nation, place, etc., (3) The sum of such qualities seen as being capable of making, or likely to make, a favourable impression on other people and (4) Informal personal attractiveness; engaging manner or qualities while Traits are defined as "a distinguishing quality or characteristic, as of personality." In other words, this means that personality traits are the distinguishing characteristics that make you "you." Personality traits are the unique set of characteristics and qualities that only you possess. While a lot of people might have similar personality traits, each person combines these traits in a different way, to create one unique, irreplaceable conglomeration of traits that make up their individual personality.”
Together these two words form personality traits or personal traits. According to the site I visited it stated that “there are various list of traits that characterizes the creative person. So this man Davis(1999) collected over 200 adjectives and brief descriptions of creative attitudes and personality traits found in the literature of activity and he sorted them into fifteen categories of positive, socially desirable traits and seven categories of negative, potentially troublesome traits. So the list of positively recurrent and traits of creative people include the following:
1) Aware of creativeness (value originality and creativity)
2) Original (flexible in ideas and thoughts; challenges norms and assumptions; resourceful; full of ideas; avoids perceptual sets; sees things in new ways)
3) Independent (self-confident; individualistic; does not fear being different; sets own rules; dissatisfied with status quo; internally controlled, inner directed)
4) Risk-taking (courageous; not afraid to try something new; willing to cope with failure; does not mind consequences of being different)
5) Energetic (adventurous; high intrinsic motivation; overactive, hyperactive; enthusiastic; persistent, persevering; sensation seeking)
6) Curious (experiments; wide interests; likes to hear other's ideas; asks many questions; open to irrational; seeks interesting situations)
7) Sense of humour (childish freshness in thinking; plays with ideas; playful; sharp-witted)
Cool Attracted to complexity (attracted to the mysterious, the asymmetrical, ambiguity, incongruity and novelty; is a complex person; tolerant to disorder)
9) Capacity for fantasy (animistic and magical thinking; had imaginary playmates as child; mixes truth and fantasy/fiction)
10) Artistic (aesthetic interests; sensitivity to beauty)
11) Open-minded (liberal; receptive to new ideas; open to new experience and growth; receptive to others viewpoints)
12) Needs alone time (internally preoccupied; prefers to work alone; introspective; reflective)
13) Intuitive (perceptive; sees relationships, implications; good at problem finding; observant; heighten sensitivity to details and patterns)
14) Emotional (can express feelings, emotions; sensitive; moody; has emotional highs and lows; needs attention, praise, support)
15) Ethical (altruistic; idealistic; empathic)

The list of negative traits of creative people that usually disturb supervisors, parents, teachers and peers and may cause personal or social adjustment problems includes:

1) Egoistical (intolerant, self-centred, snobbish)
2) Impulsive (act without planning; careless, impatient, capricious, tactless, irresponsible, disorganized with unimportant matters)
3) Argumentative (cynical; rebellious, uncooperative; defiant; stubborn; autocratic; little regard for rules, conventions, mores, law, authority)
4) Immature (childish; sloppy; silly)
5) Absentminded (forgetful; mind wanders; careless)
6) Neurotic (aloof; temperamental; low frustration tolerance; mildly sociopathic; unable to control emotions; uncommunicative)
7) Hyperactive (overactive, physically and mentally)”

Another often-quoted trait of creative persons is adaptation which, however, has been interpreted in various meanings. The creative person is characterized by a high degree of autonomy, introversion and self-management. Curiosity, interest,passion, and fruitful asynchrony are among other factors conducive to creativity.
Among the traits that impede creativity, the most often quoted is conformity, perceptual set and habit.

Now that we have defined the personality traits thoroughly let us dig deep why there is a test which tests your personality traits. These kind of test are made to asses you personality. Maybe it is a way of knowing your own mind better and knowing yourself better. There are a lot of questions which bothers our mind and these questions may be answered when you know and you fully understand yourself. According to Wikipedia a personality test aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings.
We, I and my classmates took the said test and the majority (including me) got same result which states that we are “Somewhat entrepreneur”. As I have understood it I could say that what the result is trying to say is that I have the potential of being an entrepreneur. Though I still doubt the result because I really can’t feel the spirit of entrepreneurship, but I hope someday with the aid of this subject I might awaken that “Somewhat entrepreneur” thing in me. I do am looking forward for that day to come but do I really have to wait now that i know that i have the potential? I guess it would be very, very, very wrong if i act that way. See personal traits tests are not made just for entertainment; it is made for us people to help us make the right decisions for us to be well guided. It serves as a sign which awakens us. So now that I have the idea on what would I be I must start acting responsibly to achieve that is really meant to be. So what are those things that I must do and must not do? In the world of entrepreneurship there are thing that needs to be considered like perseverance, risk taker, etc. Also there are some guidelines that is posted in the internet. What are those? Well According to Campo there are key personal traits to be a successful entrepreneur:
“1. The ability to compromise. You have to be able to appreciate many different points of view. A customer demand, for example might seem unreasonable, but by accommodating a point of view unlike your own, might bring an insight that benefits your company. I have a saying: In the Art of Compromise, 75+75=100.
2. You need to take a long view. Seeing how something benefits you in the short term without considering the long term effects will result in missed opportunities. I had a nasty difficulty in a construction contract where I could have justifiably sued the other party. I instead negotiated a less than ideal settlement, but instead preserved my business relationships which continues to bring profitable business.
3. Confidence. If you expect others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself.
4. Knowledge. Knowledge is a lifelong quest. Observe. Read and do research. Take school and on-the-job training
5.Organization. For a company to grow, the people involved have to be organized. Clutter adds stress and hazards. Have a plan and communicate it to others.
6. Integrity. A most misunderstood concept. I define it as a combination of Attitude, Honesty, Character, and Compassion. It is a relationship you have with yourself that keeps your "self" intact and uncorrupted.
7. Service. Sharing your success and knowledge with others by mentoring. Giving of your time and money to your family and community.”
Another person who has a say is Seu, she has answered the question what are the key personal traits of a entrepreneur and her answer was this;
“The following are what I think are the top ten key personal traits of a successful entrepreneur:

Trait #1: Positive, persistent and passionate – The truly successful entrepreneur is intense and has a personal passion to change things. The successful entrepreneur does not mind devoting more than 12 hours a day to his business to make it successful.
Trait #2: Optimistic – some may call them “eternal optimists” but I choose to call them “realistic optimists.” The optimism is a strong foundation for the entrepreneur to deal with setbacks and disappointments on the way to building a successful business.
Trait #3: Problem solver – successful entrepreneurs face problems of varying difficulty and degree but they are resourceful and know where to go for assistance and where to find needed references and resources.
Trait #4: Courageous – successful entrepreneurs are leaders who take risks. People remark that entrepreneurs have “guts” and these entrepreneurs have a tremendous amount of courage to build their companies from “scratch,” or creating a business where nothing existed previously.
Trait #5: Life long learner – many successful entrepreneurs do not have degrees, but they are always willing to learn. They ask questions, are ever curious, and are open to new ideas.
Trait #6: Independent – successful entrepreneurs want to “do their own thing” and prove they are right, instead of wanting to “get rich.” Sometimes entrepreneurs make less money than they would work for someone else, but their “real income” is the satisfaction from doing what they believe is right.
Trait #7: Ethical – successful entrepreneurs are guided by a high standard of ethics. They do not waive or suspend ethics in their business and personal worlds.
Trait #8: Goal oriented – successful entrepreneurs have a relentless drive to achieve goals they set for themselves and their business. They stay intensely focused on the goals until the goals are achieved.
Trait #9: Visionary – successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of where they want to go and have the ability to see the invisible.
Trait #10: Strategic thinker & planner – successful entrepreneurs use the power of strategic thinking and planning to define their vision, mission, guiding principles and goals for their business”

After knowing the ideas of Seu and Campo how will we know if we have one or more of those key personal traits that they say? So taking up the same test will help us identify whether we have those or not. After taking up the test and knowing the result we may now evaluate the result make or formulate a partial interpretation or evaluation. And from that partial evaluation we may now proceed on listing those traits which we think we have in us and then evaluate again and then let us look on our list and start crashing (as in erasing) those traits which you think does not manifest in you.
There are a lot of test in the internet, magazines and even books that could help us asses or evaluate ourselves. The IQ or the intelligence quotient, AQ the adversity quotient and EQ the emotional quotient these are some test that helps us asses and evaluate ourselves though there are specific tests like “Optimistic test” which measures how optimistic a person is. There is this site who said that “One of the most accurate personality tests is based on the “Big Five” personality traits. The Big Five personality traits include Openness (your ability to keep an open mind), Conscientiousness (your tendency to be careful in your decision-making process), Extroversion (your tendency to be an outgoing person), Agreeableness (your tendency to get along with others, in social situations), and Neuroticism (your tendency to portray negative emotions, such as anxiety or anger). These five traits easily define us all, and any test that is based on the Big Five personality traits is highly accurate and detailed in its results. Your results provided at the end of the test rank in percentiles with these five traits, which makes them more difficult to interpret for most people. Nevertheless, the Big Five tests are an industry-accepted test, and are also fun to take. “
I do not like answering test like these because I find it boring and non-sense but due to some situations like this (hehe Laughing ) I see to it that I could find a way to make it interesting and there really are some tests that are funny or entertaining though still non-sense. If only my physical and mental action would only show what the results would say then it would be very easy for me to believe and erase all of the doubts i feel on the results. But there are some tests that really has scientific supports or there are this results which also has a theory attached so those test are the type of tests which I like to answer and read the results.
So to sum up all the words that I have written, personality traits test is an instrument to help us evaluate ourselves and be responsible enough to respond to its result.

Personal traits. Dictionary of Creativity: Terms, Concepts, Theories & Findings in Creativity Research / Compiled and edited by Eugene Gorny. Netslova.ru, 2007.

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