Have thought of a lot of ideas but it seems like i don't have any. haha.
But still I came up with a proposal of a technobusiness.
Before going to the main topic which is “my business” I will discuss on the things that concerns business because three-thousand words is “MAJOR-MAJOR” and I don’t have much English words stored inside my head. So anyway, since we are talking about business we first tackle the term business. Understand it and if possible elaborate on it more. So what is business? As I surfed the internet world I found inside this URL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business) the definition of business. It says “A business (also known as a company, enterprise, and firm) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods or services, or both, toconsumers, businesses and governmental entities. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies. Most businesses are privately owned. A business is typically formed to earn profit that will increase the wealth of its owners and grow the business itself. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. Notable exceptions include cooperative enterprises and state-owned enterprises. Businesses can also be formed not-for-profit or be state-owned.
The etymology of "business" relates to the state of being busy either as an individual or society as a whole, doing commercially viable and profitable work. The term "business" has at least three usages, depending on the scope — the singular usage (above) to mean a particular company or corporation, the generalized usage to refer to a particular market sector, such as "the music business" and compound forms such as agribusiness, or the broadest meaning to include all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate and complexity of meanings.” So by that definition business is a way where people work and be wealthy. Another is that it is a way of rendering service or goods that is being paid. But business is not an easy thing to do, you need to have money for the capital, a proposal to be fulfilled, and there are also laws concerning business that should be reviewed and be followed.
I was required to make a TECHNO BUSINESS, so what is this techno business? We have learned what the the word business is and now let us find out what this techno thing is and why it has been integrated in the business. Well, Techno is really from the word technology which means “the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization. The word technology comes from the Greek technología (τεχνολογία) — téchnē (τέχνη), an 'art', 'skill' or 'craft' and -logía (-λογία), the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, or state-of-the-art technology or high technology.”
So why is it been integrated? It is because of its application to business. Technology has made a great influence to humanity. The site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology has sitedthe influences of technology to humans.” The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to controlfire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers tocommunication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.” With those we can automatically conclude that there are also things that technology has influenced in the society. On that same site it stated that “Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advancedeconomies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms”
Technology indeed had a great time playing with us humans and here on our society. This just explains why it has been integrated to business. For me I say that it is good to have technology integrated to business because it helps in the expansion of sales and profits. It is also good because of its capability to manufacture goods in a short given time. It helps in the communication, advertisements and almost everything that concerns the process of the business.
So again techno business is still a business but is aided by the technology. Technology integrated business it is. Now that we have discussed thoroughly what business and technology are we now move to the construction of MY business.
So before you put up a business you first think of what that business would be. In this case we will make a business plan or a business proposal. To explain it more I have searched through the net and found this “A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals” at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_plan. So planning is not just planning there should be a goal to which this plan would be attainable and one thing I learned from our facilitator do not be so AMBITIOUS. When you make a proposal or plan it should not look ambitious or fictitious it should be simple yet innovative or unique and attainable.
There are guidelines on how to make your own project plan and I found it in http://www.ncsbdc.org/business-plan.php that emphasized the importance of having a written project plan. Written in this page is this “Whether you are starting or growing a small business, a sound business plan is your roadmap to success. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs rely on their memory and never actually commit their ideas to paper. Even if they do consider writing a business plan, they are often overwhelmed or confused by the planning process and never understand the value of this critical document. As a result, many small business dreams fail or fall short of their actual potential.
Writing a business plan will force you to objectively develop and evaluate your tactical and strategic plans. It will also help you identify the opportunities and risks encountered as a result of your decisions. You will better understand the environment in which you operate, the strengths and weaknesses of your business, the competition, and the validity of your assumptions. Most importantly, you will understand who your customers are and how you can meet or exceed their needs and expectations.” So what should a business plan include? There is this page that enumerates the things that should be done to create a business plan and that page was http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?r.s=sc&r.l1=1073858805&r.lc=en&r.l3=1073869162&r.l2=1073859137&r.i=1075193719&type=RESOURCES&itemId=1073791229&r.t=RESOURCES. It says that ”Your business plan should provide details of how you are going to develop your business, when you are going to do it, who's going to play a part and how you will manage the finances.
Clarity on these issues is particularly important if you're looking for finance or investment. The process of building your plan will also focus your mind on how your new business will need to operate to give it the best chance of success.
Your plan should include:
• An executive summary - this is an overview of the business you want to start. It's vital. Many lenders and investors make judgments about your business based on this section of the plan alone. See the page in this guide on the executive summary.
• A short description of the business opportunity - who you are, what you plan to sell or offer, why and to whom. See the page in this guide on your business, its products and services.
• Your marketing and sales strategy - why you think people will buy what you want to sell and how you plan to sell to them. See the pages in this guide on your markets and competitors and marketing and sales.
• Your management team and personnel - your credentials and the people you plan to recruit to work with you. See the page in this guide on your team's skills.
• Your operations - your premises, production facilities, your management information systems and IT. See the page in this guide on your operations.
• Financial forecasts - this section translates everything you have said in the previous sections into numbers. See the page in this guide on financial forecasts.”
There are so many things that need consideration. I haven’t even absorbed everything. But still I have now the ideas on how to make my business.
Now that the filler discussion is done we now finally move to the main topic which is the making of my business.
Again we do not just build a business we must first draft a plan, a business plan so that we will be guided accordingly. Now I will present to you my idea of business. With the “chances thing”. So here it goes.
If I would be given a chance to have my own techno business it would be the kind of business that aims to help a lot of unemployed yet hard working people who does not land a job because of their educational attainment or maybe because of the requirements required of them. This business proposals main idea is to provide services to customers who seek help, or those who are lazy or busy enough to do the job or do the errand which they would possibly ask the others to do the errand for them. ERRAND it is.
And if this would be possible I would name it “Ako Nalang!” This business would be mixed up with technology for the sake of having it categorized as a techno-business. How? It would be possible to develop a site for this business, and if ever this site would exist I would give it a name of “AkoNalang-EclickLang!” but it would be much accessible through telephone or cellular phone, but unlike McDo or Jolibee who delivers food we deliver to you errand boy/s or errand girl/s whichever is appropriate for the errand or task.
I was wondering now on how I will put a security onto this kind of business. I have questions in mind which I know you (if you are reading this) would also ask the same question. Like on my part “how sure am I that I will be paid for the service/s I made? How sure am I that those who called are true customers and not just prank callers? Will I be able to trace the customers’ location to assure safety to my people?” but on the customers side I’m sure they would ask “will you be sending me a good man? Will they bring me no harm? Will they be able to accomplish the task they are asked to fulfil? What’s the service fee?” There are a lot of questions that comes in your mind about this business that is because you have never heard of this kind of business which is integrated with technology. Actually I too had a hard time thinking how or what should I do. It’s really hard especially just by standing into a man’s word. In this generation seldom will we find honest and upright people who would not make a call just for fun. Well this business will start within those people whom I, we know with those employees whom I know too. I will first build trust, integrity and honesty to this business so that if it would grow and if it would be open to the public then it may lessen the possibility of getting tricked.
Since this business offers services, then there will be guidelines set to guide the customers on what are those services they can get and services that we cater. There are also terms and agreements that will be filled and signed up for assurance purposes. We do not accept transactions that easy. There are also things that we will consider to assure everybody’s safety and convenience.
In terms of finding the prospect clients, “is there a possibility that you will not have a customer?” Well, that would really be impossible (especially here in the Philippines) our country is consists of lazy people in fact it is the reason why we have this line “Juan Tamad”, it is because majority of the people here in this country are lazy which only means an abundant client for my business. I’m not giving our country a bad image but that is the reality which is also the reason why we are a third world country and those kinds of people are my target clients though there are also instances that those busy people would also call and ask for a favour.
What could possibly be the things that we can do? We can offer a simple errand just like fetching something or someone, do the household chores like washing the dishes, wash clothes, cleaning the room, or sending things they want to send, writing a letter, feeding the pigs, feeding their babies, bathing the dogs, anything (even non-sense work will be entertained as long s they pay). Those tasks are some of the available task; every task has a corresponding rate. For example fetching a thing from where to where, the corresponding fare would be charged to them and the rate would be piso per minute. Well, that was just an example. The real rate has not yet been decided since this is just a proposal but there is an assurance of low rate for easy task those “No stress” tasks.
When this business would grow big or bigger I would hire those persons that are worthy to have a job. Like unemployed fathers, and other people who are qualified for this job. This job actually does not require high education. As long as you are patient, humble, obedient and skilful then you are qualified. Those traits are not that hard to find which gives me an assurance of a big man power.
When the time comes that this proposal would caught investors attention or if I would start it small first then I should say that I may not get the kind of success I was wishing for at least I have made efforts to build one and have experience and I also helped a lot of people. As what I believe in “never give up!” so I will never give up. When I fall I will stand. So when this business fails, I will stand and start thinking of a new or think how to improve the business I made.
As I see it this business will be helping a lot of those needy people, from the customers, to me as the owner, down to employees that forms the business. That’s what a technopreneur is aiming for and as for me I served with the purpose of multiplying the number of employed not the unemployed people, of being an employer not an employee. Though hard but when the time comes that you will reap what you have sowed then it would be as sweet as the honeycomb. Hardships would really come at first but would always be eased especially when we are well compensated.
Now that I have stated everything and have said every single English word I have in mind I must end it with a reflection.
Well business planning is not as easy as you think it is. I say that it is very bothersome. The thinking phase just drains me up. Never have I found it easy to formulate business ideas, unique business ideas. And I think it bears so much worry. Worries that this would not work, worries of failing, worries of having it to think ambitious. And aside those worries are the factors that need to be considered. The laws, competencies and everything that is moving around a business.
Business is not just to help you reach you goal, it is not just a matter of being rich or being popular or being one of those prominent people or be on the elite group. You must have a goal that is only for your good but for the good of everybody. You may not notice it but whenever a new business opens hundredths of people rejoice (especially those unemployed people) because there will be higher opportunities of landing a job. I or you may be that person who is longing for a job, but wouldn’t it be nice if you would be the reason of the people’s joy (unemployed people) and be the provider? It is much more fulfilling that way and we all know that we should have the mind setting of “being an Employer than an Employee”. In that way we can also help our country as it uplifts its economical state because we are now contributing to the country’s growth.
For me business’ main idea is to help other people sustain their needs. No matter what kind it is, if it’s a techno business or a manual business as long as it is righteous and is not categorized as monkey business then it is good. Helping other people while helping your self is never bad, in fact it is the best thing that will happen. If I will be a business owner then I will this advice to those who also owns a business.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Steve Jobs' Commencement Address
There are a lot of things to learn in this world, you may not notice it but all of the things that happen to us have its lesson and it is up to us how we interpret those happenings and how we respond to those meanings.
Life is made up of trials, problems, seeking, needs, wants and ambitions.
****Trials. What is life without trials? Life without trials is a life lived without effort. It is a life that will never grow and bloom. How can we appreciate success if we don’t go through trials? Life will never be sweet as it would be than when lived in accordance with the nature.
****Problems. Problems are interconnected to the life’s nature. Just like trials it is needed to create a better you. It is necessary to learn and to build a better understanding through life. We can never identify what is happiness if there is no sadness.
****Seeking. Wondering why I included it in the composition of life? Well that’s how I interpret life. Life is a process of seeking. It is seeking our purpose, our vision, our mission and our goal in life throughout our living. Have you ever asked yourself or has somebody asked you what is your purpose here on earth? Did you give them or yourself a straight answer? I guess not, because knowing your purpose is not as easy as what you think it is. You can never find yourself in a blink of an eye; it needs a long process of seeking inside, through the deepest core where your heart and mind meet.
****Needs. We can’t live our lives without having the needs. Needs are different from wants. It includes the basic necessities a human should have to survive (e.g. Food, shelter, clothes). I included this because I believe that survival won’t be possible without having this needs.
****Wants. Wants is intertwined with the ambitions or they are somehow synonymous. Wants are those extra things we admire to have. When we have wants we try our best have it, to acquire it. So with that reason that’s why I included it.
****Ambitions. It is said that a man without ambition has no goal, it means that when a man does not have a goal then he just live his life the way it is, no aims, no goal, no ambition. Though it is very impossible because we are living in the human world which means that we are human. I say that a man without an ambition in life does not want a good life. I myself do have an ambition, and it’s not just ambition, ambitions I say because I can’t settle with just one or little. If I could have more then I will desire for more. But of course I won’t let that happen if there’s a need for me to step on other people because I believe that if I step onto others then there will come a time that others will step on me too. And I have a principle with GODs guidance which says “Don’t do to others what you don’t want others do unto you.”
Those above mentioned ideas are somehow connected with the commencement message that Steve Jobs offered.
“You’ve got to find what you love!”
It is his opening words on his commencement message which give a big impact not only to me but to a several people who knew him by name. It is indeed great to do the things you love because in return those things would love you back (not literally speaking that “things” would return the love back). This line gives us a hint on what we should do in our lives. This phrase tells us not to do those things that we don’t like to do.
In his first story which is connecting the dots, we would automatically say that “What’s with the dots???!” in his sharing he had a lot of weird decisions, and honestly speaking he had a weird life. He said that he did not graduate because he dropped out. He dropped all of those subjects that he felt boring and non-sense. He dropped out because he does not love what he was doing. He had an interest on calligraphy that’s why he enrolled. Through all of those things that happened to him he had looked back and reflected. What he was trying to imply is that those dots are the experiences and those dots may not have connections at that moment but as time passed those dots had their connections, they were connected to one another. For me it means that “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON” nothing in this world happens just because it happens it has a reason why such thing happened whether it is good or bad.
The second story is about his love and lost. It is not the typical love as what we define it; this love he says is referring to what he loved to do. He found out what he loved and used that to succeed. He and his friend Wozniak built Apple; it boomed more than you could imagine. They became legendary, famous and filthy rich. Then he hired a person where he thought could be trusty but that person led him to his downfall. Many factors also contributed on his downfall; one of it is his attitude. He stepped on a lot of people. He is a monster like boss. No wonder why those Apple people fought that he should be gone. He could not believe that he was the one who found Apple and now he got fired. It was too late when he realized that. He was swallowed by the black hole down to the lowest earth. But because of that he learned something and somehow changed his life. Steve Jobs succeeded once because of his attitude of positivity. He did not let that downfall swallow his whole life. He never stopped and he is very persistent to gain back his life that was lost. He built NeXT and Pixar then he fell in love with a wonderful woman he says. Though those companies he built were bought by Apple still he proved that he is strong-willed man.
“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” Steve Jobs said this to himself looking at the mirror. I asked myself the same question and answered “I don’t know. It’s hard to think knowing that I’m going to die soon.” But the right words should be “do what you have to do. Make all things around you be well set. And live your life to the fullest with the guidance of GOD.
The third story was about death. He was diagnosed with a pancreas cancer; the doctor said it is incurable and that he needs to fix things up because his going to die soon. He realized that and felt the need to change. He learned to follow what’s in his heart; he listened to it and never been afraid to commit mistakes. He had made a lot of big decision in life. And with this I say that the most beautiful period of his life was this. What I saw in this story was a free man. Free of worries and love. He is a very fortunate man. The doctors suddenly discovered that his cancer was gone. In this miracle he had never even mentioned GOD; I don’t know but he never even said thanks to GOD. We should thank GOD because life is a precious gift HE gave us.
Don’t be afraid; do it. Don’t be contented; aim for more.
We sometimes do things that are freaky, by this I mean decisions made without prior thinking that may result to negative and unpleasant things. And by nature we interpret those results differently from Steve Jobs. In his commencement he mentioned that never will he deny the truth that he failed not just once, not twice but several times. But just look at him, very successful and never will his name FADE; the name who gave birth to the legendary Apple. Again “STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH”.
Life is made up of trials, problems, seeking, needs, wants and ambitions.
****Trials. What is life without trials? Life without trials is a life lived without effort. It is a life that will never grow and bloom. How can we appreciate success if we don’t go through trials? Life will never be sweet as it would be than when lived in accordance with the nature.
****Problems. Problems are interconnected to the life’s nature. Just like trials it is needed to create a better you. It is necessary to learn and to build a better understanding through life. We can never identify what is happiness if there is no sadness.
****Seeking. Wondering why I included it in the composition of life? Well that’s how I interpret life. Life is a process of seeking. It is seeking our purpose, our vision, our mission and our goal in life throughout our living. Have you ever asked yourself or has somebody asked you what is your purpose here on earth? Did you give them or yourself a straight answer? I guess not, because knowing your purpose is not as easy as what you think it is. You can never find yourself in a blink of an eye; it needs a long process of seeking inside, through the deepest core where your heart and mind meet.
****Needs. We can’t live our lives without having the needs. Needs are different from wants. It includes the basic necessities a human should have to survive (e.g. Food, shelter, clothes). I included this because I believe that survival won’t be possible without having this needs.
****Wants. Wants is intertwined with the ambitions or they are somehow synonymous. Wants are those extra things we admire to have. When we have wants we try our best have it, to acquire it. So with that reason that’s why I included it.
****Ambitions. It is said that a man without ambition has no goal, it means that when a man does not have a goal then he just live his life the way it is, no aims, no goal, no ambition. Though it is very impossible because we are living in the human world which means that we are human. I say that a man without an ambition in life does not want a good life. I myself do have an ambition, and it’s not just ambition, ambitions I say because I can’t settle with just one or little. If I could have more then I will desire for more. But of course I won’t let that happen if there’s a need for me to step on other people because I believe that if I step onto others then there will come a time that others will step on me too. And I have a principle with GODs guidance which says “Don’t do to others what you don’t want others do unto you.”
Those above mentioned ideas are somehow connected with the commencement message that Steve Jobs offered.
“You’ve got to find what you love!”
It is his opening words on his commencement message which give a big impact not only to me but to a several people who knew him by name. It is indeed great to do the things you love because in return those things would love you back (not literally speaking that “things” would return the love back). This line gives us a hint on what we should do in our lives. This phrase tells us not to do those things that we don’t like to do.
In his first story which is connecting the dots, we would automatically say that “What’s with the dots???!” in his sharing he had a lot of weird decisions, and honestly speaking he had a weird life. He said that he did not graduate because he dropped out. He dropped all of those subjects that he felt boring and non-sense. He dropped out because he does not love what he was doing. He had an interest on calligraphy that’s why he enrolled. Through all of those things that happened to him he had looked back and reflected. What he was trying to imply is that those dots are the experiences and those dots may not have connections at that moment but as time passed those dots had their connections, they were connected to one another. For me it means that “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON” nothing in this world happens just because it happens it has a reason why such thing happened whether it is good or bad.
The second story is about his love and lost. It is not the typical love as what we define it; this love he says is referring to what he loved to do. He found out what he loved and used that to succeed. He and his friend Wozniak built Apple; it boomed more than you could imagine. They became legendary, famous and filthy rich. Then he hired a person where he thought could be trusty but that person led him to his downfall. Many factors also contributed on his downfall; one of it is his attitude. He stepped on a lot of people. He is a monster like boss. No wonder why those Apple people fought that he should be gone. He could not believe that he was the one who found Apple and now he got fired. It was too late when he realized that. He was swallowed by the black hole down to the lowest earth. But because of that he learned something and somehow changed his life. Steve Jobs succeeded once because of his attitude of positivity. He did not let that downfall swallow his whole life. He never stopped and he is very persistent to gain back his life that was lost. He built NeXT and Pixar then he fell in love with a wonderful woman he says. Though those companies he built were bought by Apple still he proved that he is strong-willed man.
“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” Steve Jobs said this to himself looking at the mirror. I asked myself the same question and answered “I don’t know. It’s hard to think knowing that I’m going to die soon.” But the right words should be “do what you have to do. Make all things around you be well set. And live your life to the fullest with the guidance of GOD.
The third story was about death. He was diagnosed with a pancreas cancer; the doctor said it is incurable and that he needs to fix things up because his going to die soon. He realized that and felt the need to change. He learned to follow what’s in his heart; he listened to it and never been afraid to commit mistakes. He had made a lot of big decision in life. And with this I say that the most beautiful period of his life was this. What I saw in this story was a free man. Free of worries and love. He is a very fortunate man. The doctors suddenly discovered that his cancer was gone. In this miracle he had never even mentioned GOD; I don’t know but he never even said thanks to GOD. We should thank GOD because life is a precious gift HE gave us.
Don’t be afraid; do it. Don’t be contented; aim for more.
We sometimes do things that are freaky, by this I mean decisions made without prior thinking that may result to negative and unpleasant things. And by nature we interpret those results differently from Steve Jobs. In his commencement he mentioned that never will he deny the truth that he failed not just once, not twice but several times. But just look at him, very successful and never will his name FADE; the name who gave birth to the legendary Apple. Again “STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH”.
Purpose in life
What is my purpose here on earth?
I know that you're thinking now on what is yours. Isn't it hard to think of what your purpose is? Don't worry because it's normal. I too had a hard time thinking. Actually last month I felt like I don't have a purpose at all and that I felt so small. But now, I can see clearly that the reason why I exist is to be a blessing to all who seeks for it. I was so blessed by GOD and I am super happy for that, I realized how big I am and how precious I am. And now, I tend to bring Him back all of the things He gave me and that is my purpose on living in this world. ^_^
I know that you're thinking now on what is yours. Isn't it hard to think of what your purpose is? Don't worry because it's normal. I too had a hard time thinking. Actually last month I felt like I don't have a purpose at all and that I felt so small. But now, I can see clearly that the reason why I exist is to be a blessing to all who seeks for it. I was so blessed by GOD and I am super happy for that, I realized how big I am and how precious I am. And now, I tend to bring Him back all of the things He gave me and that is my purpose on living in this world. ^_^
You, what's your purpose?
Personality Traits test
“The dictionary defines personality as the (1) Habitual patterns and qualities of behaviour of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities of a person, considered collectively, (2) The complex of qualities and characteristics seen as being distinctive to a group, nation, place, etc., (3) The sum of such qualities seen as being capable of making, or likely to make, a favourable impression on other people and (4) Informal personal attractiveness; engaging manner or qualities while Traits are defined as "a distinguishing quality or characteristic, as of personality." In other words, this means that personality traits are the distinguishing characteristics that make you "you." Personality traits are the unique set of characteristics and qualities that only you possess. While a lot of people might have similar personality traits, each person combines these traits in a different way, to create one unique, irreplaceable conglomeration of traits that make up their individual personality.”
Together these two words form personality traits or personal traits. According to the site I visited it stated that “there are various list of traits that characterizes the creative person. So this man Davis(1999) collected over 200 adjectives and brief descriptions of creative attitudes and personality traits found in the literature of activity and he sorted them into fifteen categories of positive, socially desirable traits and seven categories of negative, potentially troublesome traits. So the list of positively recurrent and traits of creative people include the following:
1) Aware of creativeness (value originality and creativity)
2) Original (flexible in ideas and thoughts; challenges norms and assumptions; resourceful; full of ideas; avoids perceptual sets; sees things in new ways)
3) Independent (self-confident; individualistic; does not fear being different; sets own rules; dissatisfied with status quo; internally controlled, inner directed)
4) Risk-taking (courageous; not afraid to try something new; willing to cope with failure; does not mind consequences of being different)
5) Energetic (adventurous; high intrinsic motivation; overactive, hyperactive; enthusiastic; persistent, persevering; sensation seeking)
6) Curious (experiments; wide interests; likes to hear other's ideas; asks many questions; open to irrational; seeks interesting situations)
7) Sense of humour (childish freshness in thinking; plays with ideas; playful; sharp-witted)
Attracted to complexity (attracted to the mysterious, the asymmetrical, ambiguity, incongruity and novelty; is a complex person; tolerant to disorder)
9) Capacity for fantasy (animistic and magical thinking; had imaginary playmates as child; mixes truth and fantasy/fiction)
10) Artistic (aesthetic interests; sensitivity to beauty)
11) Open-minded (liberal; receptive to new ideas; open to new experience and growth; receptive to others viewpoints)
12) Needs alone time (internally preoccupied; prefers to work alone; introspective; reflective)
13) Intuitive (perceptive; sees relationships, implications; good at problem finding; observant; heighten sensitivity to details and patterns)
14) Emotional (can express feelings, emotions; sensitive; moody; has emotional highs and lows; needs attention, praise, support)
15) Ethical (altruistic; idealistic; empathic)
The list of negative traits of creative people that usually disturb supervisors, parents, teachers and peers and may cause personal or social adjustment problems includes:
1) Egoistical (intolerant, self-centred, snobbish)
2) Impulsive (act without planning; careless, impatient, capricious, tactless, irresponsible, disorganized with unimportant matters)
3) Argumentative (cynical; rebellious, uncooperative; defiant; stubborn; autocratic; little regard for rules, conventions, mores, law, authority)
4) Immature (childish; sloppy; silly)
5) Absentminded (forgetful; mind wanders; careless)
6) Neurotic (aloof; temperamental; low frustration tolerance; mildly sociopathic; unable to control emotions; uncommunicative)
7) Hyperactive (overactive, physically and mentally)”
Another often-quoted trait of creative persons is adaptation which, however, has been interpreted in various meanings. The creative person is characterized by a high degree of autonomy, introversion and self-management. Curiosity, interest,passion, and fruitful asynchrony are among other factors conducive to creativity.
Among the traits that impede creativity, the most often quoted is conformity, perceptual set and habit.
Now that we have defined the personality traits thoroughly let us dig deep why there is a test which tests your personality traits. These kind of test are made to asses you personality. Maybe it is a way of knowing your own mind better and knowing yourself better. There are a lot of questions which bothers our mind and these questions may be answered when you know and you fully understand yourself. According to Wikipedia a personality test aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings.
We, I and my classmates took the said test and the majority (including me) got same result which states that we are “Somewhat entrepreneur”. As I have understood it I could say that what the result is trying to say is that I have the potential of being an entrepreneur. Though I still doubt the result because I really can’t feel the spirit of entrepreneurship, but I hope someday with the aid of this subject I might awaken that “Somewhat entrepreneur” thing in me. I do am looking forward for that day to come but do I really have to wait now that i know that i have the potential? I guess it would be very, very, very wrong if i act that way. See personal traits tests are not made just for entertainment; it is made for us people to help us make the right decisions for us to be well guided. It serves as a sign which awakens us. So now that I have the idea on what would I be I must start acting responsibly to achieve that is really meant to be. So what are those things that I must do and must not do? In the world of entrepreneurship there are thing that needs to be considered like perseverance, risk taker, etc. Also there are some guidelines that is posted in the internet. What are those? Well According to Campo there are key personal traits to be a successful entrepreneur:
“1. The ability to compromise. You have to be able to appreciate many different points of view. A customer demand, for example might seem unreasonable, but by accommodating a point of view unlike your own, might bring an insight that benefits your company. I have a saying: In the Art of Compromise, 75+75=100.
2. You need to take a long view. Seeing how something benefits you in the short term without considering the long term effects will result in missed opportunities. I had a nasty difficulty in a construction contract where I could have justifiably sued the other party. I instead negotiated a less than ideal settlement, but instead preserved my business relationships which continues to bring profitable business.
3. Confidence. If you expect others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself.
4. Knowledge. Knowledge is a lifelong quest. Observe. Read and do research. Take school and on-the-job training
5.Organization. For a company to grow, the people involved have to be organized. Clutter adds stress and hazards. Have a plan and communicate it to others.
6. Integrity. A most misunderstood concept. I define it as a combination of Attitude, Honesty, Character, and Compassion. It is a relationship you have with yourself that keeps your "self" intact and uncorrupted.
7. Service. Sharing your success and knowledge with others by mentoring. Giving of your time and money to your family and community.”
Another person who has a say is Seu, she has answered the question what are the key personal traits of a entrepreneur and her answer was this;
“The following are what I think are the top ten key personal traits of a successful entrepreneur:
Trait #1: Positive, persistent and passionate – The truly successful entrepreneur is intense and has a personal passion to change things. The successful entrepreneur does not mind devoting more than 12 hours a day to his business to make it successful.
Trait #2: Optimistic – some may call them “eternal optimists” but I choose to call them “realistic optimists.” The optimism is a strong foundation for the entrepreneur to deal with setbacks and disappointments on the way to building a successful business.
Trait #3: Problem solver – successful entrepreneurs face problems of varying difficulty and degree but they are resourceful and know where to go for assistance and where to find needed references and resources.
Trait #4: Courageous – successful entrepreneurs are leaders who take risks. People remark that entrepreneurs have “guts” and these entrepreneurs have a tremendous amount of courage to build their companies from “scratch,” or creating a business where nothing existed previously.
Trait #5: Life long learner – many successful entrepreneurs do not have degrees, but they are always willing to learn. They ask questions, are ever curious, and are open to new ideas.
Trait #6: Independent – successful entrepreneurs want to “do their own thing” and prove they are right, instead of wanting to “get rich.” Sometimes entrepreneurs make less money than they would work for someone else, but their “real income” is the satisfaction from doing what they believe is right.
Trait #7: Ethical – successful entrepreneurs are guided by a high standard of ethics. They do not waive or suspend ethics in their business and personal worlds.
Trait #8: Goal oriented – successful entrepreneurs have a relentless drive to achieve goals they set for themselves and their business. They stay intensely focused on the goals until the goals are achieved.
Trait #9: Visionary – successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of where they want to go and have the ability to see the invisible.
Trait #10: Strategic thinker & planner – successful entrepreneurs use the power of strategic thinking and planning to define their vision, mission, guiding principles and goals for their business”
After knowing the ideas of Seu and Campo how will we know if we have one or more of those key personal traits that they say? So taking up the same test will help us identify whether we have those or not. After taking up the test and knowing the result we may now evaluate the result make or formulate a partial interpretation or evaluation. And from that partial evaluation we may now proceed on listing those traits which we think we have in us and then evaluate again and then let us look on our list and start crashing (as in erasing) those traits which you think does not manifest in you.
There are a lot of test in the internet, magazines and even books that could help us asses or evaluate ourselves. The IQ or the intelligence quotient, AQ the adversity quotient and EQ the emotional quotient these are some test that helps us asses and evaluate ourselves though there are specific tests like “Optimistic test” which measures how optimistic a person is. There is this site who said that “One of the most accurate personality tests is based on the “Big Five” personality traits. The Big Five personality traits include Openness (your ability to keep an open mind), Conscientiousness (your tendency to be careful in your decision-making process), Extroversion (your tendency to be an outgoing person), Agreeableness (your tendency to get along with others, in social situations), and Neuroticism (your tendency to portray negative emotions, such as anxiety or anger). These five traits easily define us all, and any test that is based on the Big Five personality traits is highly accurate and detailed in its results. Your results provided at the end of the test rank in percentiles with these five traits, which makes them more difficult to interpret for most people. Nevertheless, the Big Five tests are an industry-accepted test, and are also fun to take. “
I do not like answering test like these because I find it boring and non-sense but due to some situations like this (hehe ) I see to it that I could find a way to make it interesting and there really are some tests that are funny or entertaining though still non-sense. If only my physical and mental action would only show what the results would say then it would be very easy for me to believe and erase all of the doubts i feel on the results. But there are some tests that really has scientific supports or there are this results which also has a theory attached so those test are the type of tests which I like to answer and read the results.
So to sum up all the words that I have written, personality traits test is an instrument to help us evaluate ourselves and be responsible enough to respond to its result.
Personal traits. Dictionary of Creativity: Terms, Concepts, Theories & Findings in Creativity Research / Compiled and edited by Eugene Gorny. Netslova.ru, 2007.
Together these two words form personality traits or personal traits. According to the site I visited it stated that “there are various list of traits that characterizes the creative person. So this man Davis(1999) collected over 200 adjectives and brief descriptions of creative attitudes and personality traits found in the literature of activity and he sorted them into fifteen categories of positive, socially desirable traits and seven categories of negative, potentially troublesome traits. So the list of positively recurrent and traits of creative people include the following:
1) Aware of creativeness (value originality and creativity)
2) Original (flexible in ideas and thoughts; challenges norms and assumptions; resourceful; full of ideas; avoids perceptual sets; sees things in new ways)
3) Independent (self-confident; individualistic; does not fear being different; sets own rules; dissatisfied with status quo; internally controlled, inner directed)
4) Risk-taking (courageous; not afraid to try something new; willing to cope with failure; does not mind consequences of being different)
5) Energetic (adventurous; high intrinsic motivation; overactive, hyperactive; enthusiastic; persistent, persevering; sensation seeking)
6) Curious (experiments; wide interests; likes to hear other's ideas; asks many questions; open to irrational; seeks interesting situations)
7) Sense of humour (childish freshness in thinking; plays with ideas; playful; sharp-witted)
Attracted to complexity (attracted to the mysterious, the asymmetrical, ambiguity, incongruity and novelty; is a complex person; tolerant to disorder)
9) Capacity for fantasy (animistic and magical thinking; had imaginary playmates as child; mixes truth and fantasy/fiction)
10) Artistic (aesthetic interests; sensitivity to beauty)
11) Open-minded (liberal; receptive to new ideas; open to new experience and growth; receptive to others viewpoints)
12) Needs alone time (internally preoccupied; prefers to work alone; introspective; reflective)
13) Intuitive (perceptive; sees relationships, implications; good at problem finding; observant; heighten sensitivity to details and patterns)
14) Emotional (can express feelings, emotions; sensitive; moody; has emotional highs and lows; needs attention, praise, support)
15) Ethical (altruistic; idealistic; empathic)
The list of negative traits of creative people that usually disturb supervisors, parents, teachers and peers and may cause personal or social adjustment problems includes:
1) Egoistical (intolerant, self-centred, snobbish)
2) Impulsive (act without planning; careless, impatient, capricious, tactless, irresponsible, disorganized with unimportant matters)
3) Argumentative (cynical; rebellious, uncooperative; defiant; stubborn; autocratic; little regard for rules, conventions, mores, law, authority)
4) Immature (childish; sloppy; silly)
5) Absentminded (forgetful; mind wanders; careless)
6) Neurotic (aloof; temperamental; low frustration tolerance; mildly sociopathic; unable to control emotions; uncommunicative)
7) Hyperactive (overactive, physically and mentally)”
Another often-quoted trait of creative persons is adaptation which, however, has been interpreted in various meanings. The creative person is characterized by a high degree of autonomy, introversion and self-management. Curiosity, interest,passion, and fruitful asynchrony are among other factors conducive to creativity.
Among the traits that impede creativity, the most often quoted is conformity, perceptual set and habit.
Now that we have defined the personality traits thoroughly let us dig deep why there is a test which tests your personality traits. These kind of test are made to asses you personality. Maybe it is a way of knowing your own mind better and knowing yourself better. There are a lot of questions which bothers our mind and these questions may be answered when you know and you fully understand yourself. According to Wikipedia a personality test aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings.
We, I and my classmates took the said test and the majority (including me) got same result which states that we are “Somewhat entrepreneur”. As I have understood it I could say that what the result is trying to say is that I have the potential of being an entrepreneur. Though I still doubt the result because I really can’t feel the spirit of entrepreneurship, but I hope someday with the aid of this subject I might awaken that “Somewhat entrepreneur” thing in me. I do am looking forward for that day to come but do I really have to wait now that i know that i have the potential? I guess it would be very, very, very wrong if i act that way. See personal traits tests are not made just for entertainment; it is made for us people to help us make the right decisions for us to be well guided. It serves as a sign which awakens us. So now that I have the idea on what would I be I must start acting responsibly to achieve that is really meant to be. So what are those things that I must do and must not do? In the world of entrepreneurship there are thing that needs to be considered like perseverance, risk taker, etc. Also there are some guidelines that is posted in the internet. What are those? Well According to Campo there are key personal traits to be a successful entrepreneur:
“1. The ability to compromise. You have to be able to appreciate many different points of view. A customer demand, for example might seem unreasonable, but by accommodating a point of view unlike your own, might bring an insight that benefits your company. I have a saying: In the Art of Compromise, 75+75=100.
2. You need to take a long view. Seeing how something benefits you in the short term without considering the long term effects will result in missed opportunities. I had a nasty difficulty in a construction contract where I could have justifiably sued the other party. I instead negotiated a less than ideal settlement, but instead preserved my business relationships which continues to bring profitable business.
3. Confidence. If you expect others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself.
4. Knowledge. Knowledge is a lifelong quest. Observe. Read and do research. Take school and on-the-job training
5.Organization. For a company to grow, the people involved have to be organized. Clutter adds stress and hazards. Have a plan and communicate it to others.
6. Integrity. A most misunderstood concept. I define it as a combination of Attitude, Honesty, Character, and Compassion. It is a relationship you have with yourself that keeps your "self" intact and uncorrupted.
7. Service. Sharing your success and knowledge with others by mentoring. Giving of your time and money to your family and community.”
Another person who has a say is Seu, she has answered the question what are the key personal traits of a entrepreneur and her answer was this;
“The following are what I think are the top ten key personal traits of a successful entrepreneur:
Trait #1: Positive, persistent and passionate – The truly successful entrepreneur is intense and has a personal passion to change things. The successful entrepreneur does not mind devoting more than 12 hours a day to his business to make it successful.
Trait #2: Optimistic – some may call them “eternal optimists” but I choose to call them “realistic optimists.” The optimism is a strong foundation for the entrepreneur to deal with setbacks and disappointments on the way to building a successful business.
Trait #3: Problem solver – successful entrepreneurs face problems of varying difficulty and degree but they are resourceful and know where to go for assistance and where to find needed references and resources.
Trait #4: Courageous – successful entrepreneurs are leaders who take risks. People remark that entrepreneurs have “guts” and these entrepreneurs have a tremendous amount of courage to build their companies from “scratch,” or creating a business where nothing existed previously.
Trait #5: Life long learner – many successful entrepreneurs do not have degrees, but they are always willing to learn. They ask questions, are ever curious, and are open to new ideas.
Trait #6: Independent – successful entrepreneurs want to “do their own thing” and prove they are right, instead of wanting to “get rich.” Sometimes entrepreneurs make less money than they would work for someone else, but their “real income” is the satisfaction from doing what they believe is right.
Trait #7: Ethical – successful entrepreneurs are guided by a high standard of ethics. They do not waive or suspend ethics in their business and personal worlds.
Trait #8: Goal oriented – successful entrepreneurs have a relentless drive to achieve goals they set for themselves and their business. They stay intensely focused on the goals until the goals are achieved.
Trait #9: Visionary – successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of where they want to go and have the ability to see the invisible.
Trait #10: Strategic thinker & planner – successful entrepreneurs use the power of strategic thinking and planning to define their vision, mission, guiding principles and goals for their business”
After knowing the ideas of Seu and Campo how will we know if we have one or more of those key personal traits that they say? So taking up the same test will help us identify whether we have those or not. After taking up the test and knowing the result we may now evaluate the result make or formulate a partial interpretation or evaluation. And from that partial evaluation we may now proceed on listing those traits which we think we have in us and then evaluate again and then let us look on our list and start crashing (as in erasing) those traits which you think does not manifest in you.
There are a lot of test in the internet, magazines and even books that could help us asses or evaluate ourselves. The IQ or the intelligence quotient, AQ the adversity quotient and EQ the emotional quotient these are some test that helps us asses and evaluate ourselves though there are specific tests like “Optimistic test” which measures how optimistic a person is. There is this site who said that “One of the most accurate personality tests is based on the “Big Five” personality traits. The Big Five personality traits include Openness (your ability to keep an open mind), Conscientiousness (your tendency to be careful in your decision-making process), Extroversion (your tendency to be an outgoing person), Agreeableness (your tendency to get along with others, in social situations), and Neuroticism (your tendency to portray negative emotions, such as anxiety or anger). These five traits easily define us all, and any test that is based on the Big Five personality traits is highly accurate and detailed in its results. Your results provided at the end of the test rank in percentiles with these five traits, which makes them more difficult to interpret for most people. Nevertheless, the Big Five tests are an industry-accepted test, and are also fun to take. “
I do not like answering test like these because I find it boring and non-sense but due to some situations like this (hehe ) I see to it that I could find a way to make it interesting and there really are some tests that are funny or entertaining though still non-sense. If only my physical and mental action would only show what the results would say then it would be very easy for me to believe and erase all of the doubts i feel on the results. But there are some tests that really has scientific supports or there are this results which also has a theory attached so those test are the type of tests which I like to answer and read the results.
So to sum up all the words that I have written, personality traits test is an instrument to help us evaluate ourselves and be responsible enough to respond to its result.
Personal traits. Dictionary of Creativity: Terms, Concepts, Theories & Findings in Creativity Research / Compiled and edited by Eugene Gorny. Netslova.ru, 2007.
Steve Jobs and ME.
1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?
With Steve Jobs being the owner of the Apple Company we can automatically conclude that he really is a successful technopreneur. But even a Steve jobs fall and fail.
He had his glorious time, the time when he flourished so much, so much that not even he could imagine.
What did he do to succeed? According to Ian “Everyone’s looking for a magic bullet to propel them to success. But success is no easy road. It’s not even a straight line. Success is a tricky matter. Hard to pin down. Not that easy to define.” This implies that success is not just a word. It is not that easy to succeed, in fact it is NEVER easy to succeed. In his momentous success he said this lines “Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drowned your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
A man named Ian in the world of internet deciphered and gave his interpretation to this line said by Jobs and came up with this;
5 Keys To Success
You’re Running Out of Time – Use It Wisely
Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.
Start right now, in this instance, to work on your success.
Dreaming of it. Crafting it. Creating it.
Don’t wait for the kids to go off to college, the stars to align, or until everything is just right.
Don’t Live Someone Else’s Life
You’ve got dreams of your own. They may have been beaten into silence, but you know they’re still there. Waiting patiently for you to remember them. To nurture them. And have the courage to share them with the world.
Break Free From Dogma
Have the courage to be yourself.
What are your dreams?
What do you want?
What make YOU happy?
Dive deep into the mystery and miracle of who you are. There’s never going to be another person like you on the face of this planet. EVER.
Think about that for a second. Embrace it. And get on out there and discover who you are.
Ignore Other People’s Opinions
Abraham Maslow said that the happiest people are the ones that are, “Oblivious of the good opinions of others.”
Now I don’t think Mr. Jobs is saying to steer clear of wise council. It’s good to have other people perspective on things. And I’m sure that apple has a lot of geniuses, clairvoyants and witch doctors to help Mr. Jobs divine the future.
But there’s a lot of people out there who will tell you that it can’t be done. Or you’re not the right person for the job. Or some other form of baloney.
Thank them for their concern and keep pressing on with your dreams.
Listen and ask for the opinions of people who have more experience than you. But keep far away from dream stealer’s.
Follow Your Heart
So often we choose to ignore the “still small voice within.” We get that gut feeling. We know something is up.
We hear our dreams calling out to us but for whatever reason we suppress them, ignore them, and shove them down deep inside.
Maybe we’re trying to keep up with Jones’. Maybe we buy into the “get a good job, keep your head down, and work hard” story they sell us in school.
Whatever the reason the truth is when we stuff those dreams away and lock them deep within our hearts we suffer.
Silently we ache. An agony most of us take quietly to our graves.
The only cure is to dream again. To follow our hearts. To go where life is calling you. To run through fields of wide open possibility.
A quote I love and have adapted slightly from Frederick Buechner is, “Success is found through marrying the worlds deep hunger with your hearts deep gladness.”
It’s no wonder that Steve Jobs has been successful.
Ian indeed coined everything on that statement given by Jobs but I myself have formulated my own hypothesis on how Steve Jobs succeed. First in line was his obsession, he was an obsessed man who wants his computer sold on every part of the world, for his computer to be known, for him to rule and not be ruled, for him to reach the skies and for him to conquer the world. Because of these obsessions he became an optimistic man. Why I said optimistic aside from the fact that he is obsessed? Because on that movie Pirates of Silicon Valley his bank loans were rejected several times, isn’t that degrading? But still this man named Steve Jobs did not quit. Never did he say “I quit!” or “this is a total junk” or “Man! I’m such an idiot to think that I would make it!” he is well determined to push the project, win the fight and be on top. Another is that he thinks “Artist” with the belief that “Good artist copy but Great artist Steal” which I came up with a thought that “Stealing is an ART”. And the most important thing that brought him to his success was his friend Steve Wozniak, they were partners, they made Apple together.
But unfortunately a Steve Jobs could also fall and fail. He ended up as the co-owner of the Apple which is used to be HIS company with Bill Gates as the principal owner. Jobs started Apple it is sad to think that Bill used him to find his way through the top and to finally make Microsoft a working and best computer ever. I think Jobs is not really that wise because he is easy to manipulate or maybe it is just Bill that is very good in convincing people. He failed because he trusted Bill, Bill was never concerned with apple he just wants to get an access with the Apple computers enhance them and then market them with the name Microsoft. He had all of the best programmers in his company but because of his trait which is VERY perfectionist his employees does not like him. He does not have any concern on his people, he wanted them dead BUT still with the finished product. To sum all of it he failed because he is not wise enough, he gives his trust that easy, and he is a bloody perfectionist with an inconsiderate heart.
REF: http://ianpaulmarshall.com/keys-to-success/
2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?
What is a technopreneur? Technopreneur is the person inclined in Technopreneurship. Then this Technopreneurship is, by a large part, still entrepreneurship. The thing that classifies them differently is that in Technopreneurship it is more concerned with the way a product/service is delivered through the aid of technology. Rajesh shakya defines technopreneur this way “A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. They take challenges and strive to lead their life with greater success. They don't fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technoprenuers continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy.
Technology and entrepreneurial skills are driving many economies to prosperity. The most famous of them all is, Bill Gates, who makes Microsoft a household name all over the world. Steve Jobs - well known for his innovations. iPod - most carried gadget by young population. Look at the success of Google - brain child of Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Who don't know Google?
Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of synthesis in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. In a digital, knowledge based society, strategic directions or decision-making processes will be demanding and complex. This requires tertiary level and professional development programs and training to produce strategic thinkers who will have the skills to succeed in a dynamically changing global environment. Traditional educational programs, however, lack the methodology to transform today's students into creative, innovative, visionary global leaders who understand the importance of technopreneurship.”
Since technopreneur is still entrepreneur let us look why is there a need of entrepreneurship in our life?
“entrepreneur education is like apair of glasses. I’ve said this before: after working for more than a year for a very dynamic company that’s in a, likewise, very dynamic industry, I’ve come to realize that I’m learning so much more now that I’m in the field and that the stuff that I’m learning here, critical stuff, are things that my Master of Management program barely touched on back then.
But does that make the MoM useless? Heck no! Inadequate? Far from it. The stuff that I learned then, I liken to a pair of corrective glasses that an optometrist would recommend to a patient with less than 20/20 vision. It won’t make the patient an instant genius, but it will certainly help him study/work more effectively. For me, the MoM program I received allows me to see the entire organization I work for in a clearer way: I can see how Marketing, Finance, HR, and Operations work hand-in-hand to fulfill the business’ obligations.
I think this also should be the objective of any entrepreneurial course or program. It should be to teach students how to see a business in a more wholistic way. To require them to create business plans and usher them into business-making right after college? That *might* be doable given the right conditions but at the end of the day, the best person to decide is the student.
For now, I think that giving them an entrepreneurial lense is a noble enough objective and will improve their chances of taking the plunge and suceeding once the right entrepreneurial conditions are met.” Said by a man who wrote his article on his blog. Well he is definitely right.
So now that it has been well defined, we now know the meaning of technopreneurs, the Technopreneurship and the entrepreneuship and how they differ from one another. So now there is this question arose on how do I see myself as a technopreneur? Honestly I am a person with a lot of dream, DREAMS, and I see my dreams come true as I become a millionaire or a billionaire by being a technopreneur. According to some knowledge I gathered as I was surfing the net is the fact that being a technopreneur is not just by saying you want to be one, what I mean is that it is not easy to be a technopreneur, you need to have the exact knowledge or even just enough knowledge on how to link technology to entrepreneurship. Even I could not say that “I’d be a technopreneur someday” it is not an easy path to take, proper guidance or shall I say you need to seek within your heart if this is really what you want to be – a technopreneur. Since I am taking up this subject now, Technopreneurship, I somehow have built a better understanding that if I really am meant to be a technopreneur then I will be filthy rich or if I should stick on my so called “employment” then I will never have the chance to fulfill my dreams. Two or three years from now I can see myself struggling to build my own business, I am imagining what I want to have cars, houses, moneys, everything in this world that that can be seen by this naked eye of mine but the best thing is that after a year or two of struggling and dreaming I see myself becoming a very,very,very successful woman, a technopreneur. As of now I don’t know how will I make it but I think I felt the need to be one of those people called technopreneur not only to help myself but also to help those people who has their mind set on the employment thing. According to a site in the internet there is a way to be a successful technopreneur and what are those things that should be considered and those things that needs to be remembered. There are also thing that should be avoided to avoid failure and the factors that contributes to a business downfall. I think I must follow the footsteps of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, I mean they are inspiration.
3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?
Steve Jobs is a very successful man, who on earth would say no when thrown a question like if I would take the same path? Aside from these things he has a net salary of 5.5 billion dollars according to forbes, who would possibly say no? Don’t you want to be like Steve Jobs who earns that big?
The main idea here is that I want to be like Steve Jobs. To be a successful technopreneur. And there are some ways or keys or secrets to success.
“1. How You Think is Everything.
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.
This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.
I’ve found that from time-to-time my attitude waivers. A mentor of mine once said “it’s ok to visit pity city, but you can’t stay and there comes a time when you need to leave”. Positive things happen to positive people.
2. Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Write down my dreams and goals? Develop a plan to reach them? You mean like a project plan? Yes, that’s exactly what this means. You may have heard the old adage: A New Years resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals.
Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. My goal is to start a second career as a freelance writer – what are your goals?
3. Take Action. Goals are nothing without action.
Be like Nike and “Just do it”. I took action by reaching out and started writing. Every day I try to take some action towards my goals. It may be small, but it’s still an action. Have you taken action towards your goals?
4. Never Stop Learning: Go back to school or read books. Get training & acquire skills.
Becoming a life long learner would benefit us all and is something we should instill in our kids. It’s funny that once you’re out of school you realize how enjoyable learning can be. What have you learned today?
5. Be Persistent and Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
I think every story of success I read entails long hard hours of work. There is no getting around this and there is no free lunch. But, if you’re working towards something that you’re passionate about, something you love – then is it really work?
6. Learn to Analyze Details: Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes.
I think you have to strike a balance between getting all the facts and making a decision with incomplete data – both are traits of successful people. Spend time gathering details, but don’t catch ‘analysis paralysis’.
7. Focus Your Time And Money: Don’t let other people or things distract you.
Remain laser focused on your goals and surround yourself with positive people that believe in you. Don’t be distracted by the naysayer’s or tasks that are not helping you achieve your goals.
8. Don’t Be Afraid To Innovate: Be different. Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
Follow through on that break-out idea you have. Ask yourself “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?”
9. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. How do you deal with people?
10. Be Honest And Dependable: Take responsibility, otherwise numbers 1 – 9 won’t matter.”
In business related “Key to Success” another article from Darrell Zahorsky;
“The 7 Habits of Business Success
Habit 1. Cultivate Inner Networks: Entrepreneurs practicing the art of business success know the power of networks. They take the time to identify and build relationships with key peers, mentors, and advisors. This inner network provides support, direction, and an increased number of people to assist. Having an inner network of five people who have a network of five more, grows the network exponentially.
Habit 2. Customer Centric: Business success requires an unwavering commitment to the customer. This commitment encompasses a mindset of understanding the customers' world. Understanding the customers wants and needs provides the business with a greater opportunity to earn a loyal customer base. Focus away from business and profits, and toward what you can do to improve the life of your customers.
Habit 3. Humble Honesty: Business success requires the ability to know your strengths and weaknesses. Being open and honest about yourself and your business creates growth as an individual and as a company. Don't spend time developing weaknesses. Find help for weak areas, enabling you to focus on strengths. In the book, "Now, Discover Your Strengths", Gallup Organization reveals that building our strengths instead of fixing our weakness is the path to mastery and success. Take the time to know yourself and business.
Habit 4. Adaptability: Business success requires the ability to adapt to changing situations. Nothing ever goes as planned. The world of business is full of surprises and unforeseen events. Using the habit of adaptability allows business owners to respond to circumstances with the ability to change course and act without complete information. Being flexible allows us to respond to changes without being paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.
Habit 5. Opportunity Focused: Problems are a regular part of business life. Staff issues, customer misunderstandings, cash crunches- the list is endless. To achieve business success, look at both sides of the coin. Every problem has an opportunity. Being opportunity focused makes the game of business fun and energizing.
Habit 6. Finding A Better Way: Productivity is the cornerstone of business success. Formulate the habit of finding a better way to make your business more productive. This will create more time to focus on the critical issues that drive sales and profit. Productivity can be enhanced by technology, automation, outsourcing, and improving business processes.
Habit 7. Balanced Lifestyle Management: A business can consume an owner's time and energy. It's easy to allow the business to take control of your life. Business success requires the habit of balancing all aspects of your life. Separating time for daily business tasks, profit driven tasks, and free time is a habit that will make your business and life more enjoyable. Take the time to plan each week.
Learning and instilling new habits in your daily business life can have a dramatic effect on your level of success. Review each of the 7 habits. Choose one habit to focus on for a month or until you achieve mastery. Gradually incorporate each of the 7 habits of business success into your life and attain your business dreams.”
It is encouraging and nice to know that I can be like Steve Jobs too, it’s just a matter of motivation and discipline.
With Steve Jobs being the owner of the Apple Company we can automatically conclude that he really is a successful technopreneur. But even a Steve jobs fall and fail.
He had his glorious time, the time when he flourished so much, so much that not even he could imagine.
What did he do to succeed? According to Ian “Everyone’s looking for a magic bullet to propel them to success. But success is no easy road. It’s not even a straight line. Success is a tricky matter. Hard to pin down. Not that easy to define.” This implies that success is not just a word. It is not that easy to succeed, in fact it is NEVER easy to succeed. In his momentous success he said this lines “Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drowned your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
A man named Ian in the world of internet deciphered and gave his interpretation to this line said by Jobs and came up with this;
5 Keys To Success
You’re Running Out of Time – Use It Wisely
Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.
Start right now, in this instance, to work on your success.
Dreaming of it. Crafting it. Creating it.
Don’t wait for the kids to go off to college, the stars to align, or until everything is just right.
Don’t Live Someone Else’s Life
You’ve got dreams of your own. They may have been beaten into silence, but you know they’re still there. Waiting patiently for you to remember them. To nurture them. And have the courage to share them with the world.
Break Free From Dogma
Have the courage to be yourself.
What are your dreams?
What do you want?
What make YOU happy?
Dive deep into the mystery and miracle of who you are. There’s never going to be another person like you on the face of this planet. EVER.
Think about that for a second. Embrace it. And get on out there and discover who you are.
Ignore Other People’s Opinions
Abraham Maslow said that the happiest people are the ones that are, “Oblivious of the good opinions of others.”
Now I don’t think Mr. Jobs is saying to steer clear of wise council. It’s good to have other people perspective on things. And I’m sure that apple has a lot of geniuses, clairvoyants and witch doctors to help Mr. Jobs divine the future.
But there’s a lot of people out there who will tell you that it can’t be done. Or you’re not the right person for the job. Or some other form of baloney.
Thank them for their concern and keep pressing on with your dreams.
Listen and ask for the opinions of people who have more experience than you. But keep far away from dream stealer’s.
Follow Your Heart
So often we choose to ignore the “still small voice within.” We get that gut feeling. We know something is up.
We hear our dreams calling out to us but for whatever reason we suppress them, ignore them, and shove them down deep inside.
Maybe we’re trying to keep up with Jones’. Maybe we buy into the “get a good job, keep your head down, and work hard” story they sell us in school.
Whatever the reason the truth is when we stuff those dreams away and lock them deep within our hearts we suffer.
Silently we ache. An agony most of us take quietly to our graves.
The only cure is to dream again. To follow our hearts. To go where life is calling you. To run through fields of wide open possibility.
A quote I love and have adapted slightly from Frederick Buechner is, “Success is found through marrying the worlds deep hunger with your hearts deep gladness.”
It’s no wonder that Steve Jobs has been successful.
Ian indeed coined everything on that statement given by Jobs but I myself have formulated my own hypothesis on how Steve Jobs succeed. First in line was his obsession, he was an obsessed man who wants his computer sold on every part of the world, for his computer to be known, for him to rule and not be ruled, for him to reach the skies and for him to conquer the world. Because of these obsessions he became an optimistic man. Why I said optimistic aside from the fact that he is obsessed? Because on that movie Pirates of Silicon Valley his bank loans were rejected several times, isn’t that degrading? But still this man named Steve Jobs did not quit. Never did he say “I quit!” or “this is a total junk” or “Man! I’m such an idiot to think that I would make it!” he is well determined to push the project, win the fight and be on top. Another is that he thinks “Artist” with the belief that “Good artist copy but Great artist Steal” which I came up with a thought that “Stealing is an ART”. And the most important thing that brought him to his success was his friend Steve Wozniak, they were partners, they made Apple together.
But unfortunately a Steve Jobs could also fall and fail. He ended up as the co-owner of the Apple which is used to be HIS company with Bill Gates as the principal owner. Jobs started Apple it is sad to think that Bill used him to find his way through the top and to finally make Microsoft a working and best computer ever. I think Jobs is not really that wise because he is easy to manipulate or maybe it is just Bill that is very good in convincing people. He failed because he trusted Bill, Bill was never concerned with apple he just wants to get an access with the Apple computers enhance them and then market them with the name Microsoft. He had all of the best programmers in his company but because of his trait which is VERY perfectionist his employees does not like him. He does not have any concern on his people, he wanted them dead BUT still with the finished product. To sum all of it he failed because he is not wise enough, he gives his trust that easy, and he is a bloody perfectionist with an inconsiderate heart.
REF: http://ianpaulmarshall.com/keys-to-success/
2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?
What is a technopreneur? Technopreneur is the person inclined in Technopreneurship. Then this Technopreneurship is, by a large part, still entrepreneurship. The thing that classifies them differently is that in Technopreneurship it is more concerned with the way a product/service is delivered through the aid of technology. Rajesh shakya defines technopreneur this way “A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. They take challenges and strive to lead their life with greater success. They don't fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technoprenuers continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy.
Technology and entrepreneurial skills are driving many economies to prosperity. The most famous of them all is, Bill Gates, who makes Microsoft a household name all over the world. Steve Jobs - well known for his innovations. iPod - most carried gadget by young population. Look at the success of Google - brain child of Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Who don't know Google?
Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of synthesis in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. In a digital, knowledge based society, strategic directions or decision-making processes will be demanding and complex. This requires tertiary level and professional development programs and training to produce strategic thinkers who will have the skills to succeed in a dynamically changing global environment. Traditional educational programs, however, lack the methodology to transform today's students into creative, innovative, visionary global leaders who understand the importance of technopreneurship.”
Since technopreneur is still entrepreneur let us look why is there a need of entrepreneurship in our life?
“entrepreneur education is like apair of glasses. I’ve said this before: after working for more than a year for a very dynamic company that’s in a, likewise, very dynamic industry, I’ve come to realize that I’m learning so much more now that I’m in the field and that the stuff that I’m learning here, critical stuff, are things that my Master of Management program barely touched on back then.
But does that make the MoM useless? Heck no! Inadequate? Far from it. The stuff that I learned then, I liken to a pair of corrective glasses that an optometrist would recommend to a patient with less than 20/20 vision. It won’t make the patient an instant genius, but it will certainly help him study/work more effectively. For me, the MoM program I received allows me to see the entire organization I work for in a clearer way: I can see how Marketing, Finance, HR, and Operations work hand-in-hand to fulfill the business’ obligations.
I think this also should be the objective of any entrepreneurial course or program. It should be to teach students how to see a business in a more wholistic way. To require them to create business plans and usher them into business-making right after college? That *might* be doable given the right conditions but at the end of the day, the best person to decide is the student.
For now, I think that giving them an entrepreneurial lense is a noble enough objective and will improve their chances of taking the plunge and suceeding once the right entrepreneurial conditions are met.” Said by a man who wrote his article on his blog. Well he is definitely right.
So now that it has been well defined, we now know the meaning of technopreneurs, the Technopreneurship and the entrepreneuship and how they differ from one another. So now there is this question arose on how do I see myself as a technopreneur? Honestly I am a person with a lot of dream, DREAMS, and I see my dreams come true as I become a millionaire or a billionaire by being a technopreneur. According to some knowledge I gathered as I was surfing the net is the fact that being a technopreneur is not just by saying you want to be one, what I mean is that it is not easy to be a technopreneur, you need to have the exact knowledge or even just enough knowledge on how to link technology to entrepreneurship. Even I could not say that “I’d be a technopreneur someday” it is not an easy path to take, proper guidance or shall I say you need to seek within your heart if this is really what you want to be – a technopreneur. Since I am taking up this subject now, Technopreneurship, I somehow have built a better understanding that if I really am meant to be a technopreneur then I will be filthy rich or if I should stick on my so called “employment” then I will never have the chance to fulfill my dreams. Two or three years from now I can see myself struggling to build my own business, I am imagining what I want to have cars, houses, moneys, everything in this world that that can be seen by this naked eye of mine but the best thing is that after a year or two of struggling and dreaming I see myself becoming a very,very,very successful woman, a technopreneur. As of now I don’t know how will I make it but I think I felt the need to be one of those people called technopreneur not only to help myself but also to help those people who has their mind set on the employment thing. According to a site in the internet there is a way to be a successful technopreneur and what are those things that should be considered and those things that needs to be remembered. There are also thing that should be avoided to avoid failure and the factors that contributes to a business downfall. I think I must follow the footsteps of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, I mean they are inspiration.
3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?
Steve Jobs is a very successful man, who on earth would say no when thrown a question like if I would take the same path? Aside from these things he has a net salary of 5.5 billion dollars according to forbes, who would possibly say no? Don’t you want to be like Steve Jobs who earns that big?
The main idea here is that I want to be like Steve Jobs. To be a successful technopreneur. And there are some ways or keys or secrets to success.
“1. How You Think is Everything.
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.
This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.
I’ve found that from time-to-time my attitude waivers. A mentor of mine once said “it’s ok to visit pity city, but you can’t stay and there comes a time when you need to leave”. Positive things happen to positive people.
2. Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Write down my dreams and goals? Develop a plan to reach them? You mean like a project plan? Yes, that’s exactly what this means. You may have heard the old adage: A New Years resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals.
Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. My goal is to start a second career as a freelance writer – what are your goals?
3. Take Action. Goals are nothing without action.
Be like Nike and “Just do it”. I took action by reaching out and started writing. Every day I try to take some action towards my goals. It may be small, but it’s still an action. Have you taken action towards your goals?
4. Never Stop Learning: Go back to school or read books. Get training & acquire skills.
Becoming a life long learner would benefit us all and is something we should instill in our kids. It’s funny that once you’re out of school you realize how enjoyable learning can be. What have you learned today?
5. Be Persistent and Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
I think every story of success I read entails long hard hours of work. There is no getting around this and there is no free lunch. But, if you’re working towards something that you’re passionate about, something you love – then is it really work?
6. Learn to Analyze Details: Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes.
I think you have to strike a balance between getting all the facts and making a decision with incomplete data – both are traits of successful people. Spend time gathering details, but don’t catch ‘analysis paralysis’.
7. Focus Your Time And Money: Don’t let other people or things distract you.
Remain laser focused on your goals and surround yourself with positive people that believe in you. Don’t be distracted by the naysayer’s or tasks that are not helping you achieve your goals.
8. Don’t Be Afraid To Innovate: Be different. Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
Follow through on that break-out idea you have. Ask yourself “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?”
9. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. How do you deal with people?
10. Be Honest And Dependable: Take responsibility, otherwise numbers 1 – 9 won’t matter.”
In business related “Key to Success” another article from Darrell Zahorsky;
“The 7 Habits of Business Success
Habit 1. Cultivate Inner Networks: Entrepreneurs practicing the art of business success know the power of networks. They take the time to identify and build relationships with key peers, mentors, and advisors. This inner network provides support, direction, and an increased number of people to assist. Having an inner network of five people who have a network of five more, grows the network exponentially.
Habit 2. Customer Centric: Business success requires an unwavering commitment to the customer. This commitment encompasses a mindset of understanding the customers' world. Understanding the customers wants and needs provides the business with a greater opportunity to earn a loyal customer base. Focus away from business and profits, and toward what you can do to improve the life of your customers.
Habit 3. Humble Honesty: Business success requires the ability to know your strengths and weaknesses. Being open and honest about yourself and your business creates growth as an individual and as a company. Don't spend time developing weaknesses. Find help for weak areas, enabling you to focus on strengths. In the book, "Now, Discover Your Strengths", Gallup Organization reveals that building our strengths instead of fixing our weakness is the path to mastery and success. Take the time to know yourself and business.
Habit 4. Adaptability: Business success requires the ability to adapt to changing situations. Nothing ever goes as planned. The world of business is full of surprises and unforeseen events. Using the habit of adaptability allows business owners to respond to circumstances with the ability to change course and act without complete information. Being flexible allows us to respond to changes without being paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.
Habit 5. Opportunity Focused: Problems are a regular part of business life. Staff issues, customer misunderstandings, cash crunches- the list is endless. To achieve business success, look at both sides of the coin. Every problem has an opportunity. Being opportunity focused makes the game of business fun and energizing.
Habit 6. Finding A Better Way: Productivity is the cornerstone of business success. Formulate the habit of finding a better way to make your business more productive. This will create more time to focus on the critical issues that drive sales and profit. Productivity can be enhanced by technology, automation, outsourcing, and improving business processes.
Habit 7. Balanced Lifestyle Management: A business can consume an owner's time and energy. It's easy to allow the business to take control of your life. Business success requires the habit of balancing all aspects of your life. Separating time for daily business tasks, profit driven tasks, and free time is a habit that will make your business and life more enjoyable. Take the time to plan each week.
Learning and instilling new habits in your daily business life can have a dramatic effect on your level of success. Review each of the 7 habits. Choose one habit to focus on for a month or until you achieve mastery. Gradually incorporate each of the 7 habits of business success into your life and attain your business dreams.”
It is encouraging and nice to know that I can be like Steve Jobs too, it’s just a matter of motivation and discipline.
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